Sunday, August 31, 2014

UVM 4-H Shooting Sports Program at Rutland Fair (Photos)

The UVM 4-H Shooting Sports Program has its mobile air rifle range at the Rutland Fair.
This is not the UVM Sports Shooting Club, which are UVM students. 
The UVM 4-H Shooting Sports Program has many youngsters participating in the program. 
The exhibit at the Rutland Fair is staffed by folks from the Bennington County, Pownal Valley,
4-H Sharp Shooters.
The side of the mobile air rifle range exhibits the logos of the organizations that funded the
purchase of this very nice mobile air rifle range.  The top one is the Friends of the NRA,
below that is the National Wild Turkey Federation and Federal Ammunition.
(there may be another one further below, very hard to discern)
The UVM 4-H Shooting Sports Program Facebook account is at: