Thursday, February 20, 2014

VFSC Radio Ads

                                                 Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs
These two radio ads began playing on at 6 AM on WDEV, a station that hits a large broadcast area,
including the Burlington and Montpelier areas.  And if you think this is just a gun control in Burlington 
problem and does not impact you in your town you are wrong, dead wrong.
Yesterday the E-mail alert below went out from a national gun control organization to Vermont antis.
But this isn't just Burlington's fight. Whatever happens to these three proposed changes will help set the stage for reforming Vermont’s gun laws."
This is an attack on the Vermont Sportsmen's Bill of Rights, state law effective since1988, which protects
guns, ammo, reloading, shooting, hunting, fishing and trapping from municipal attack.  In 2006 range
protection from municipalities political driven whim was added.  Burlington is attacking all of your rights.
If Burlington gets their exemption to this law, other municipalities will seek the same.
These "NO" Burlington ballot items are 6, 7, 8.  Got friends in Burlington?  Tell them to vote "NO"
Protect your Vermont Sportsmen's Bill of Rights.  Check it out at