Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Keep it up !

Please keep up those calls to Senator Leahy 800-642-3193 and Senator
Sanders 800-339-9834 with the polite message: "Please Enforce the
Existing Gun Laws, this is what is needed"    
Focusing on a single calling campaign at a time has been the rule. But,
the coupling of these two Vermont bills requires an immediate response.
Two new Vermont antigun bills have just emerged.  They are H.124 and
H.125, Rep. Linda Waite-Simpson (Essex) is the lead sponsor of both bills.

H.124 contains some of the worst parts of S.32, which was just withdrawn
in the Vermont Senate.  But it also contains several new aspects that were
not in the S.32.  The bill has a mandated state concealed carry course.
H.124 is just like S.32, a gun control bill just to attack private gun ownership.
Did You Ever Think You Would See Something Like This In Vermont?
H.125 would create a state facility to store "illegal" firearms "confiscated" by
law enforcement at the specifically identified state building #617 in Essex. 
Is there really anticipation of such an increase of confiscated firearms that
the State Police require a whole building for them, until "ultimate disposition" 
It is interesting that for years we have been struggling to get the state to
build public ranges in Vermont.  Yet, Rep. Waite-Simpson's bill H.125 is
legislation for building a new law enforcement range only, in building #617. 

Millions for an indoor police only range and nothing for the folks in Chittenden
County who buy hunting license and permits from VT F&W.   Nothing for
those folks who pay federal tax fees on their firearms, ammo and archery
equipment, fees that provide significant funds to the Vermont F&W Dept..
These two bills are not the way Vermonters want their state government to run.

You can leave Rep. Linda Waite-Simpson a polite message at the Sgt-at-Arms
office, to say "No to H.124 and H.125" and "Build Public Ranges in All Vermont
Counties!"  Sgt-at-Arms 802-828-2228 and/or

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Senate Hearing tomorrow

The federation received a telephone call from Tom Berry of Senator's Leahy's
staff about the Senate Judiciary Hearing on Gun Issues tomorrow in D.C.  
It should be on C-SPAN from 10:00 AM to Noon.
For those who will not be able to watch on C-SPAN, you can view the
hearing via the live web cast, info below:
Below is the info on tomorrow’s hearing.  You can link to a live webcast from at      Tom Berry has inquired as to how one can submit written testimony for the hearing record, and said he will forward that information as soon as he has it. 
Mr. Berry has provided (as an attachment) a summary of the Stop Illegal Trafficking of Firearms Act of 2013, S.54.  This is the only firearm related legislation that the Senator has introduced or sponsored thus far in this Congress.  You can read the entire text of the legislation by searching for “S.54”
What Should America Do About Gun Violence?”
Senate Judiciary Committee
Full Committee
DATE: January 30, 2013
TIME: 10:00 AM
ROOM: Hart 216

The Senate Committee on the Judiciary has scheduled a hearing entitled “What Should America Do About Gun Violence?” for Wednesday, January 30, 2013 at 10:00 a.m., in Room 216 of the Hart Senate Office Building.
By order of the Chairman.
UPDATED Witness List Hearing before the
Senate Committee on the Judiciary
On “What Should America Do About Gun Violence?”
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Hart Senate Office Building, Room 216
10:00 a.m.
Captain Mark Kelly, USN (Ret.)
Americans for Responsible Solutions
Tucson, AZ
Professor David Kopel
Adjunct Professor of Advanced Constitutional Law
Denver University, Strum College of Law
Denver, CO
James Johnson
Chief of Police
Baltimore County Police Department
Chair, National Law Enforcement Partnership to Prevent Gun Violence
Towson, MD
Gayle Trotter
Attorney and Senior Fellow
Independent Women’s Forum
Washington, DC
Wayne LaPierre
Executive Vice President and Chief Executive Officer
National Rifle Association
Fairfax, VA

Call Leahy and Sanders!!!

Senator Patrick Leahy is the Chairman of the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee.
This week his committee is taking up President Obama's gun control wish list.
Calls to the senator are needed:
Please Call:
Senator Leahy at 800-642-3193 and
Senator Sanders at 800-339-9834
leaving them both a polite message:
"Please Enforce the Existing Gun Laws, this is what is needed"

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Call Senators Leahy and Sanders

Please Call: Senator Leahy at 800-642-3193 and Senator Sanders at 800-339-9834 leaving them both a polite message: "Please Enforce the Existing Gun Laws, this is what is needed"

If you would, please send this to at least 5 other people on your e-mail list and then please follow up to ask that they did make the phone calls.

We made a difference with the pulling of S.32 in Montpelier.

We can make a difference in Washington!

Thank you in advance for your help.

Clint Gray, President Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs, Inc.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

VTFSC Position Papers

                               VERMONT FEDERATION OF
                                   SPORTSMEN'S CLUBS
                                 Feb. 7th Hearing Canceled
Senator Dick Sears, Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, has
canceled the February 7th public hearing on S.32, the gun control ban bill. 
This follows the lead sponsor S.32, Senator Philip Baruth, informing Senator
Senators that he wanted to withdraw S.32.
It is fully expected that there will be more gun control legislation introduced
in the Vermont Legislature and some of it will contain elements of S.32.
We will be vigilant, watching emerging legislation as it appears in the
Vermont legislature and promptly report antigun bills.
Good work on S.32 and be forewarned this issue is not over in Montpelier.
                          VERMONT FEDERATION OF
                            SPORTSMEN'S CLUBS on
                              GUN LEGISLATION S.32
There have been numerous Vermont media stories on the lead
sponsor of S.32, Senator Philip Baruth, telling Senate Judiciary
Committee Chairman Dick Sears that he wanted to withdraw S.32.

The federation held S.32 as a far overreaching bill. Now it appears
S.32 is out of consideration for further legislative progress.
It will be up to Senator Sears as to whether or not to cancel the
scheduled February 7th public hearing at the Vermont State House.
Senator Sears is anticipated to announce his decision today. The
senator has a long standing record of solid judgement and fair
leadership of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

We know there will be other proposed gun legislation emerging in the
Vermont State House and some of it will contain portions of S.32. In
its consideration of these bills the legislature would benefit greatly
from the participation of Vermont's knowledgeable and experienced
gun owning communities.

The causes of violent crime are complex and the drafting of legislation
to effectively deter violent crime will not be accomplished in haste or by
emotion. This is why the federation continues to believe in a deliberate
legislative process as being necessary to enact laws that achieve the
sound public policy we Vermonters expect in our laws.

Therefore, the Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs will continue its
long standing practice of being willing to offer our knowledge and experience
to our state legislature in discussion of legislation involving firearms.
Clint Gray,
Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs, Inc.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Gun Control Committee Hearing CANCELED!

                              VERMONT FEDERATION OF
                                   SPORTSMEN'S CLUBS
                                  Feb. 7th Hearing Canceled
Senator Dick Sears, Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, has
canceled the February 7th public hearing on S.32, the gun control ban bill. 
This follows the lead sponsor S.32, Senator Philip Baruth, informing Senator
Senators that he wanted to withdraw S.32.
It is fully expected that there will be more gun control legislation introduced
in the Vermont Legislature and some of it will contain elements of S.32.
We will be vigilant, watching emerging legislation as it appears in the
Vermont legislature and promptly report antigun billls. 
Good work on S.32 and be forewarned this issue is not over in Montpelier.

Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs on Withdrawl of S.32

                            VERMONT FEDERATION OF
                               SPORTSMEN'S CLUB on
                                GUN LEGISLATION S.32
There have been numerous Vermont media stories on the lead
sponsor of S.32, Senator Philip Baruth, telling Senate Judiciary
Committee Chairman Dick Sears that he wanted to withdraw S.32.

The federation held S.32 as a far overreaching bill.  Now it appears
appears S.32 is out of consideration for further legislative progress.   
It will be up to Senator Sears as to whether or not to cancel the
scheduled February 7th public hearing at the Vermont State House. 
Senator Sears is anticipated to announce his decision today.  The
senator has a long standing record of solid judgement and fair
leadership of the Senate Judiciary Committee. 

We know there will be other proposed gun legislation emerging in the
Vermont State House and some of it will contain portions of S.32.  In
its consideration of these bills the legislature would benefit greatly
from the participation of Vermont's knowledgeable and experienced
gun owning communities.

The causes of violent crime are complex and the drafting of legislation
to effectively deter violent crime will not be accomplished in haste or by
emotion.  This is why the federation continues to believe in a deliberate
legislative process as being necessary to enact laws that achieve the
sound public policy we Vermonters expect in our laws.

Therefore, the Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs will continue its
long standing practice of being willing to offer our knowledge and experience
to our state legislature in discussion of legislation involving firearms.

Monday, January 21, 2013

"Thank you!" from the VFSC President

I would like to thank all of you for your vigilance in your calling, writing and e-mailing Senator Baruth and/or your own Senators and Representatives. 
I am passing along the article from the Times Argus.
I will keep you informed when S.32 has officially been pulled, as it has not happened yet.
Clint Gray,
Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs, Inc.

Subject: Times Argus article on proposed Gun Control Bills

Senator Baruth to withdraw Bill S.32

Late last night Seven Days Magazine posted that Senator Philip Baruth (D)
Chittenden County announced he was going to try to withdraw S.32.

WCAX has also released a new article reporting very much the same.
S.32 was an expansive gun control bill. 
Late last week it was apparent that S.32 was drawing many
telephone calls to the state house switchboard and E-mails to
the senator's legislative E-Mail account, opposing S.32.
But, even if S.32 is actually withdrawn, it is likely there will be
more gun control bills, without the semi-automatic firearm portion,
coming out in the Vermont House of Representatives.
Such bill(s) will have a magazine capacity limitation,
background check, and Child Access Protection (CAP) and
probably a type of enticement for us to buy into it.
S.32 might well have a throw away bill.  To be passed if they
could get it and if strongly opposed, to be withdrawn.  The
the bills would emerge to not promote banning semi-auto
firearms themselves but that sought other gun control agenda
items, in order to divide different gun owning communities.
The point is to not reward such "divide and conquer" techniques. 
To continue to stand together and continue to oppose gun
control legislation that only serves to regulate honest citizens
and ban products that do not cause crime.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Semi-Auto ban public hearing!

There will be a Senate Public Hearing on the gun ban bill S.32
held at 6:30 P.M. on February 7th, at the Vermont State House.
It is more draconian that
what New York State just enacted.   

The Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs has it position on
gun control legislation listed down below and position papers on
other matters listed on its web site

The Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs is an organization of clubs which has memberships with
ranks full of responsible citizens, who are parents and grandparents. We take gun safety very seriously,
which is why the federation invests so much time in the training of shooters/hunters, development of safe
ranges, training of course instructors, and the enactment of appropriate laws and regulations.
What has become clear thus far in the recent heated public discussion of recent violent crime is that
numerous factors that play a critical role in a complex problem of preventing violent crime. That said,
it is the experience of the federation that those who commit violent criminal acts do not obey laws.
Hence, the federation has long held that laws which restrict the ownership of firearms by peaceful
citizens do not deter crime and only serve to slander the vast majority of gun owners, who are by
far, responsible citizens. Such restrictive laws hand advantage to the perpetrators of violent crime.
The federation does not engage in the legislative or regulatory process in a hasty manner. We believe
that laws created in haste, particularly in the emotional aftermath immediately following a traumatic event,
usually lack the sound public policy that society has a right to demand in its laws. We continue to believe
in a deliberate legislative process.
Therefore, the federation will continue its long standing practice of being willing to offer our knowledge and
decades of experience to our state in legislative discussions on proposed legislation involving firearms.


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Vermont Semi-Auto Ban! S.32

There are many problems with S.32. If you read it, please
do not read the bill and then perform proof reading services
for members of the legislature, by pointing our faults with S.32.

It is sufficient to just politely tell any legislature "No to S.32"
so they can get a sense from the numbers of calls or E-mails
they get that many Vermonters are opposed to the S.32. If
you want to relate gun laws do not deter crime because
criminals do not obey laws. 

Please let those of us who represent you in the state house
deal with the specifics of what is wrong with S.32.

The semi-automatic firearm ban bill that we have all been
waiting for has emerged in the Vermont State House.

It is S-32, and it is an attachment to this E-mail. When
reading it, understand that the bill reads from the
beginning of the bill, at the bottom of the bill, to the
end of the bill, which is the top of the document.

In other words, start reading the bill as the bottom
of the document and read upward.

The bill is the work of Senator Philip Baruth (D)
Chittenden County. He is the Senate Majority

If you would like to let him know you oppose his
bill, drop him a polite E-mail at
and just say "No to S-32" or you can leave that message
for him at the Sgt-At-Arms Office at State House at

Saturday, January 12, 2013


The Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs is an organization of clubs which has memberships with
ranks full of responsible citizens, who are parents and grandparents. We take gun safety very seriously,
which is why the federation invests so much time in the training of shooters/hunters, development of safe
ranges, training of course instructors, and the enactment of appropriate laws and regulations.
What has become clear thus far in the recent heated public discussion of recent violent crime is that
numerous factors that play a critical role in a complex problem of preventing violent crime.  That said,
it is the experience of the federation that those who commit violent criminal acts do not obey laws.
Hence, the federation has long held that laws which restrict the ownership of firearms by peaceful
citizens do not deter crime and only serve to slander the vast majority of gun owners, who are by
far, responsible citizens.  Such restrictive laws hand advantage to the perpetrators of violent crime.
The federation does not engage in the legislative or regulatory process in a hasty manner. We believe
that laws created in haste, particularly in the emotional aftermath immediately following a traumatic event,
usually lack the sound public policy that society has a right to demand in its laws.  We continue to believe
in a deliberate legislative process.
Therefore, the federation will continue its long standing practice of being willing to offer our knowledge and
decades of experience to our state in legislative discussions on proposed legislation involving firearms.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

VTFSC News Updates: Our view of the Burlington Ban

VTFSC News Updates: Our view of the Burlington Ban: Earlier this evening the Burlington City Council overwhelmingly voted to move forward with its proposed gun control ban, by charter chan...

We need YOUR help to this state wide problem

It's not just about semi-autos, magazines in only Burlington.
Its about Vermont municipalities being able to ban, restrict
and licensing firearms, ranges, ammo, hunting, fishing and
trapping out of existence.
On January 7th, the Burlington City Council overwhelmingly voted
to move forward with its proposed gun control ban.

About 100 people showed up to speak to the city council and the mayor.
The crowd was obviously opposed to the gun ban proposal. Approximately
20 to 30 members of the audience spoke to the council, all opposing the
gun ban proposal. While citizens were speaking members of the council
appeared to be texting, apparently bored with the citizens commentary.
It is not hard to figure out that nobody turned out or spoke in support of the
proposal, because it was all a done deal, and those pushing for the proposal
knew it, so they were not calling for people to turn out in support of the proposal.

The back and forth discussion of the city council and the mayor was a
recital of antigun talking points cloaked as justification for their actions.

The city officials then amended the proposal to make it even more loosely
written and worse, more restrictive, because the final version had a
handgun registration requirement, for those handguns their proposal did
alreadynot outright ban. No permit, no revolver, or get arrested.

The amended proposal now goes off to a charter committee, before
going back to the same city council.

What is really disgusting about all of this is that what the city officials
have done is so obviously in conflict with the 24 VSA Section 2295,
commonly known as Vermont's Sportsmen's Bill of Rights. It also
exceeds the authority the legislation grants to municipalities in
24 VSA Section 2291(8)

Worse, the members of the city council and the mayor repeatedly
said they weren't sure a gun ban would work but they want to open
"discussion" on gun control in the the state and ultimately in
the nation

This "discussion" agenda for this proposed legislation is simply not
legal just cause for the gun ban legislation the city officials seek.

Their own legal counsel, when asked, related their was no
precedent for such excessive gun control power being granted
in the state. That did not give the city officials pause.

When asked, the police chief, could not make the case for an
increase in violent criminal use of firearms. Certainly not by
use of the type of firearms the city seeks to ban or register.
Vermont has a long legal precedent of being a Dillon's Rule
state, meaning municipalities are entities of the state. They
only have the powers granted to them by the state. In this
case the state had not only not granted the municipalities
the power to regulate the ownership and possession of
firearms. The state specifically denied the municipalities
this power by the cited Vermont's Sportsmen's Bill of Rights.

Ultimately, the city officials passed the proposal forward in
the enactment process not because it was sound public
policy, but because they wanted to have a "discussion"
on banning semi-automatic firearms. Even though this
type of firearm is the most common and popular type of
rifle and handguns in civilian possession in this country.

Worse, the city officials voted to criminalize the possession
of these firearms for "discussion" and in contempt of
state law. And they fully expect to be rewarded for their
contemptuous action with the legislation granting them
a charter charter that makes cheap of said state statutes,
as well as the Vermont and U.S. Constitutions.
And they believe the state legislature will amend the
statutes to allow all municipalities to do the same.
And it can be done by changing just a few words
in these state laws.
Make no mistake about it, this action is not about
banning just semi-autos, magazines or handgun
registering revolvers only in Burlington.
It is about first amending and then repealing, so as
to neutralize, the three state laws that bar Vermont
municipalities from banning, restricting and licensing
firearms, ranges, ammo, hunting, fishing and trapping.
The Burlington city officials knowingly and blatantly
are acting to exceed their legal authority on a
"think globally, act locally" mission,act to destroy
the three state statutes that protect the firearm,
hunting, fishing and trapping rights from being
regulated out of existence by the states towns and
Which is exactly why these laws were enacted and
amended The three state laws are down below.
There will be a meeting of the Vermont Federation of
Sportsmen's Club in which the course of action of what
to do about this will a leading topic. Barre Fish & Game
Club, at 10 AM on Sunday, January 13th.
24 § 2295. Authority of municipal and county governments to regulate firearms, ammunition, hunting, fishing and trapping
Except as otherwise provided by law, no town, city or incorporated village, by ordinance, resolution or other enactment, shall directly regulate hunting, fishing and trapping or the possession, ownership, transportation, transfer, sale, purchase, carrying, licensing or registration of traps, firearms, ammunition or components of firearms or ammunition. This section shall not limit the powers conferred upon a town, city or incorporated village under section 2291(8) of this title. The provisions of this section shall supersede any inconsistent provisions of a municipal charter. (Added 1987, No. 178 (Adj. Sess.), eff. May 9, 1988.)
24 § 2291. Enumeration of powers
For the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, welfare, and convenience, a town, city, or incorporated village shall have the following powers:
(8) To regulate or prohibit the use or discharge, but not possession of, firearms within the municipality or specified portions thereof, provided that an ordinance adopted under this subdivision shall be consistent with section 2295 of this title and shall not prohibit, reduce, or limit discharge at any existing sport shooting range, as that term is defined in 10 V.S.A. § 5227.
10 § 5227. Sport shooting ranges; municipal and state authority
(a) "Sport shooting range" or "range" means an area designed and operated for the use of archery, rifles, shotguns, pistols, skeet, trap, black powder, or any other similar sport shooting.
(b) The owner or operator of a sport shooting range, and a person lawfully using the range, who is in substantial compliance with any noise use condition of any issued municipal or state land use permit otherwise required by law shall not be subject to any civil liability for damages or any injunctive relief resulting from noise or noise pollution, notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary.
(c) If no municipal or state land use permit is otherwise required by law, then the owner or operator of the range and any person lawfully using the range shall not be subject to any civil liability for damages or any injunctive relief relating to noise or noise pollution.
(d) Nothing in this section shall prohibit or limit the authority of a municipality or the state to enforce any condition of a lawfully issued and otherwise required permit.
(e)(1) In the event that the owner, operator, or user of a range is not afforded the protection set forth in subsection (b) or (c) of this section, this subsection shall apply. A nuisance claim against a range may only be brought by an owner of property abutting the range. The range shall have a rebuttable presumption that the range does not constitute any form of nuisance if the range meets the following conditions:
(A) the range was established prior to the acquisition of the property owned by the person bringing the nuisance claim; and
(B) the frequency of the shooting or other alleged nuisance activity at the range has not significantly increased since acquisition of the property owned by the person bringing the nuisance claim.
(2) The presumption that the range does not constitute a nuisance may be rebutted only by an abutting property owner showing that the activity has a noxious and significant interference with the use and enjoyment of the abutting property.
(f) Prior to use of a sport shooting range after dark for purposes of training conducted by a federal, state, county, or municipal law enforcement agency, the sport shooting range shall notify those homeowners and businesses with property abutting the range that have requested such notice from the range.
(g) If any subsection of this section is held invalid, the invalidity does not affect the other subsections of this section that can be given effect without the invalid subsection, and for this purpose, the subsections of this section are severable. (Added 1991, No. 20; amended 2001, No. 61, § 71, eff. June 16, 2001; 2005, No. 173 (Adj. Sess.), § 1, eff. May 22, 2006.)

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Our view of the Burlington Ban

Earlier this evening the Burlington City Council overwhelmingly voted
to move forward with its proposed gun control ban, by charter change.

About 100 people showed up to speak to the city council and the mayor.
The crowd was obviously opposed to the gun ban proposal.  Approximately
20 to 30 members of the audience spoke to the council, all spoke to the
city officials.  While citizens were speaking members of the council were
texting, obviously bored with the citizens commentary.

The back and forth discussion of the city council and the mayor was a
recital of antigun justification for their actions.

The city officials then amended the proposal to make it even more loosely
written and worse, more restrictive, because the final version had a
handgun registration requirement.

The amended proposal now goes off to a charter committee, before
going back to the same city council. 

What is really disgusting about all of this is that what the city officials
have done is obviously in conflict with the 24 VSA Section 2295,
commonly known as Vermont's Sportsmen's Bill of Rights and
exceeds the authority the legislation grants to municipalities in
24 VSA Section 2291(8)

Worse, the members of the city council and the mayor repeatedly
said they weren't sure a gun ban would work but they want to open
discussion in the the state and ultimately in the nation.

This "discussion" agenda for this proposed legislation is not just
legal just cause for the grasp for authority the city officials seek.

Their own legal counsel, when asked, related their was no
precedent for such excessive gun control power being granted
in the state.  That did not give the city officials pause.

When asked, the police chief, could not make the case for an
increase in violent criminal use of firearms.  Certainly not by
use with the type of firearms the city seeks to ban.
Vermont has a long legal precedent of being a Dillon's Rule
state, meaning municipalities are entities of the state.  They
only have the powers granted to them by the state.  In this
case the state had not just not granted the municipalities
the power to regulate the ownership and possession of
firearms.  The state specifically denied this power by the
cited Vermont's Sportsmen's Bill of Rights.

Ultimately, the city officials passed the proposal forward in
the enactment process not because it was sound public
policy, but because they wanted to have a "discussion"
on banning semi-automatic firearms.  Even though this
type of firearm is the common and popular type of rifle
and handguns in civilian possession in this country.

Worse, the city officials voted to criminalize the possession
of these firearms for "discussion" and in contempt of
state law.  And they fully expect to be rewarded for their
contemptuous action with the legislation granting them
a charter charter that makes cheap of said state statutes,
as well as the Vermont and U.S. Constitutions.
When government officials so knowingly and blatantly
abuse their authority for the satisfaction of their own
personal agendas in a "think globally, act locally"
mission, they set an ugly example for citizens. 
We all have witnessed too much of government officials
demanding citizens obey the law, while they make a
mockery of responsible behavior, just government and 
compliance with our laws.  Laws they make and enforce.

Tonight these City of Burlington elected officials set
themselves above the law and the citizenry they are
supposed to serve. 
But, they missed one most important point.  If they think
we are just going away they are very, very wrong.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Burlington City Council Passes Resolution to ban Assault Weapons and amended it to include permitting/licensing handguns!

Burlington City Council Passes Resolution to ban Assault Weapons and amended it to include permitting/licensing handguns!
First off, THANK YOU Everybody for showing up! It was standing room only to show your support of sportsmen’s rights!
They passed the resolution 10-3 after extending public comment to one hour with ALL 30 speakers(the max allowed to speak!), members of the public speaking AGAINST it including one State Representative!
We cannot let off now and must continue the protest!
Share the post and get your friends and family involved!
On another note, please send an email to Councilmen Dober, Harnett, and Decelles for voting against this unconstitutional resolution. Also, thank Rep. Kurt Wright for his comment against it too!

Barre Fish and Game Gun Show

The Barre F&G Club has for decades held its Annual Gun Show
at the Memorial Auditorium in Barre. It is a traditional event for
the first weekend in February.

On Friday, the Mayor of Barre announced on WCAX that the
gun show should not have "military-style firearms" present at
the show. And for the first time he will have plainclothes police
officers in the parking lot at the show. (WCAX article below)

As we all know, the mayor is probably referring to semi-
automatic firearms. He likely does not understand that these
Modern Sporting Rifles (MSR) are among the most popular
and are a very substantial portion of the rifles sold in this country.
They are not the fully automatic rifles used by our military.
The semi-automatic handguns owned by civilians are by far
the largest segment of handguns sold in this country.   And
with both the semiautomatic rifles and handguns, these
types of firearms have dominated the civilian markets for
Virtually every form of center-fire rifle or handgun has been
issued to and used by the U.S. military.

This news story has been picked up by The Boston Globe,The
San Francisco Chronicle and many other news outlets in the
national media.  Which means the Barre Fish & Game Club
has been defamed far and wide.

The Barre Fish & Game Club runs its annual gun show just
like all of its other events and activities: in a honorable and
lawful manner. This event brings hundreds of vendors of the
show and thousands more visitors to downtown Barre for a
weekend during the dead of winter.

The Barre Fish & Game Club has long provided many services
to the community.   Among these are:
*Conducting Vermont Hunter Education Classes
*Hosting NRA Firearms Instructor Certification Courses
*Conducting an Annual Fishing Derby for youngsters
*Conducting NRA Women On Target events
*Operating and maintaining a ranges for the public to use for a
very minimal permit fee
* Closing its ranges for days at a time so law enforcement
personnel may use the ranges for training and qualifications.
This Includes the City of Barre Police Department and the
Vermont State Police.
The Mayor Lauzon's Barre's comments to the media do a
serious disservice to the Barre Fish & Game Club. They
incorrectly characterize the club's gun show as irresponsible.
Worse, his statements were wrong and unjust.

Barre mayor wants to limit weapons at gun show

Posted: Jan 04, 2013 12:11 PM EST<em class="wnDate">Friday, January 4, 2013 12:11 PM EST</em>Updated: Jan 04, 2013 8:04 PM EST<em class="wnDate">Friday, January 4, 2013 8:04 PM EST</em>
By Matt Henson - bio | email
BARRE, Vt. -
Signs promote the 2013 Central Vermont Gun Show planned for next month at the Barre Auditorium. But Mayor Thom Lauzon wants certain guns banned from the 200 plus tables.
"In light of the recent events and timing of the gun show, I think it is the responsible and appropriate thing to do," Lauzon said.
In the wake of the recent school massacre in Connecticut, Lauzon is asking show organizers-- the Barre Fish and Game Club-- to voluntarily ban the display and sale of military-style firearms and high capacity magazines during this year's gun show.
"If you look at federal law that is no longer in effect, it is a long list of what would be considered military-style assault weapons, in regards to capacity, and magazine that can hold 10 rounds or more," Lauzon said.
Lauzon, who supports the gun club and supports legal and responsible firearm ownership, also plans to put plainclothes police officers in the parking lot to prevent illegal sales outside the show for the first time.
"People have already tried to point out that we don't have the authority to do that. I will beg to differ, we do and don't challenge me on that. We have an ordinance in the city of Barre," Lauzon said.
The Barre Fish and Game Club declined to comment for this story until they have an opportunity to meet with the mayor.
"I am in support at this time, putting some distance in between selling guns in Barre," said Paul Poirier, a member of the Barre City Council.
Lauzon sent a letter asking councilors to review the request at their next meeting Tuesday night.
"I think asking people at this time to be a little more considerate of gun sales, in particular assault weapons, I think it would reflect the views of the community at this point," Poirier said.
Another gun show, the Green Mountain Gun Show, is planned in two weeks in South Burlington. City officials there do not plan on making any special requests to the promoters. At this point there are no plans for a statewide ban on these kinds of guns at gun shows.