Sunday, May 3, 2015

Vermont Lead Ammo Ban hearing on Wednesday "No to H.296, H.297 and H. 460"

On Wednesday, the House F&W Committee is taking testimony on H.460 the bill to ban lead ammo for hunting.

The end of the legislative session is rapidly approaching. This is when the horse trading in the state house really picks up. 
A committee can pass out a bill this year so it is first in line for action next year.  If passed long do think it will stay just hunting?
NRA-ILA Alert H.460 and the other gun control battles in Vermont.  Click on link below.
Now is the time to contact the members of the House F&W Committee and politely say: "No to H.296, H.297 and H.460"
You can leave them a message with the Sgt-at-Arms at 802-828-2228, only Monday through Friday.
H. 460 was introduced by Rep. Willem Jewett of Ripton
The committee member E-mail addresses are below.,,,,
 House F&W Committee Members: