A quick assessment as to what was accomplished in the 2015-2016, biennium of the Vermont Legislature.
* Stopped Mandatory Registration Gun Background Checks (S.31)
S.31: http://legislature.vermont.gov/assets/Documents/2016/Docs/BILLS/S-0031/S-0031%20As%20Introduced.pdf
* Stopped banning of lead ammo for hunting (H.460)
H.460: http://legislature.vermont.gov/assets/Documents/2016/Docs/BILLS/H-0460/H-0460%20As%20Introduced.pdf
* Stopped a House Resolution that would have municipal charter change ordinance bills to proceed directly to the house floor without going to the Government Operations Committee (H.R. 11)
* Stopped two separate sets of three City of Burlington Gun Control Ordinances (H.90, H.91 and H.92 in 2015 and H.566, H.567 and H.568 in 2016)
H.90: http://legislature.vermont.gov/assets/Documents/2016/Docs/BILLS/H-0090/H-0090%20As%20Introduced.pdf
H.91: http://legislature.vermont.gov/assets/Documents/2016/Docs/BILLS/H-0091/H-0091%20As%20Introduced.pdf
H.92: http://legislature.vermont.gov/assets/Documents/2016/Docs/BILLS/H-0092/H-0092%20As%20Introduced.pdf
H.566: http://legislature.vermont.gov/assets/Documents/2016/Docs/BILLS/H-0566/H-0566%20As%20Introduced.pdf
H.567: http://legislature.vermont.gov/assets/Documents/2016/Docs/BILLS/H-0567/H-0567%20As%20Introduced.pdf ;
H.568: http://legislature.vermont.gov/assets/Documents/2016/Docs/BILLS/H-0568/H-0568%20As%20Introduced.pdf
* Stopped Insurance Companies from being required by the state to have gun owners report guns in their homes to the insurance company.(H.709)
H.709: http://legislature.vermont.gov/assets/Documents/2016/Docs/BILLS/H-0709/H-0709%20As%20Introduced.pdf
* Stopped the banning of public access on Berlin Pond. (H.33 and H.871)
H.33: http://legislature.vermont.gov/assets/Documents/2016/Docs/BILLS/H-0033/H-0033%20As%20Introduced.pdf
H.871: http://legislature.vermont.gov/assets/Documents/2016/Docs/BILLS/H-0871/H-0871%20As%20Introduced.pdf
* Ivory and rhino horn ban bill failed. (H.297)
H.297 as it passed the senate and ended without passing: http://legislature.vermont.gov/assets/Documents/2016/Docs/JOURNAL/sj160420.pdf#page=14
* Passed H.570 highlights:
-The possession and use of suppressors permanently lawful in Vermont. Sunset was repealed.
-F&W penalties made more uniform.
-Now possible for ranges undertaking construction for safety, lead abatement or environment purposes to not have to obtain an Act 250 permit.
-Repeals the ban of felt waders for fishing.
H.570 as passed starts on 1694 and range section is on page 1710: http://legislature.vermont.gov/assets/Documents/2016/Docs/JOURNAL/hj160502
These are just a few of the many bills that required action to protect your rights.