Friday, January 4, 2013

UPDATE on Burlington Ban

On Monday, 7 P.M. the Burlington City Council is taking up a proposal
for a Semi-Automatic Firearm Ban.  The meeting will be in City Hall.
If you are interested in attending please consider wearing an article
of "hunter orange" or solid green clothing, in a visible manner. 
That way it will be obvious in an any visual photos that our folks are
just that, our folks and not adding to the attendance in a manner
that could be perceived as being supporters of the gun ban.
If going, think about bringing others along.

The mayor's and city council's  E-mail addresses are down below. 
Think about passing this information along to friends and family on
the side of freedom.
On Monday evening, the Burlington City Council will take up a proposed gun
ban proposal.  The ban would make illegal semi-automatic firearms and allow
Burlington to ban "multiple ammo clips"  Read it for yourself.
Below are the E-mail addresses for the Mayor of Burlington and all of the members of
the Burlington City Council.  On Monday, January 7th the Burlington City Council will
take up its proposed gun ban.  Below are the  E-mail addresses for the mayor and all
of the members of the Burlington City Council.   A polite E-mail saying "No to Gun Ban"
and relating you "Will Shop Elsewhere" if the gun ban proposal is approved.